Ulzurrun de Asanza i Sàez

Month: January 2023

How to write WordPress Themes with SASS, TypeScript, and HMR

Not interested in all the details? I shared a twentytwenty child theme with SASS, TypeScript, and HMR applying all the ideas in this post that you can use as a starting point.

Modern front-end developer experience is nicer than the one we had in 2007 when WordPress came out.

Regular WordPress themes require reloading the entire page when any JavaScript or CSS changes. However, with tools like Vite we can achieve a state-of-the-art developer experience.

In this post I will guide you through all the steps required to add SASS, TypeScript, and HMR support to any WordPress theme.

A Twenty Twenty child theme with SASS stylesheet and HMR, and early preview of what we will achieve by the end of the post.
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