This post was published 5 years ago so it may be outdated.
There are days when you know you are working on something amazing. You would love to share it with the world, but cannot. I felt that every single day at the office for months, knowing that someday – eventually – I would be able to share this project. Finally – today – Geoblink’s Design System has been open sourced (GitHub repository).
This post was published 8 years ago so it may be outdated.
Recently I’ve released two iOS games (with Javier Rodríguez Vidal‘s and Víctor Grau Moreso‘s help). Both games use Cocos2d-x engine and a custom open source framework built on top of it named MawKit which I want to introduce in this post.
This post was published 9 years ago so it may be outdated.
Today a Hop Raider‘s update was rejected and I remembered my latests experiences with App Store review. I decided to write about three of them and share my frustrations so neither I nor you feel alone when your app is rejected for apparently no good reason.
This post was published 9 years ago so it may be outdated.
I got a 4th gen Apple TV Developer Kit last year in September but I was working full time on Caff and although I wanted to play with it I couldn’t wrote a single app for it before Christmas. Nevertheless I used it for a couple of months, mainly to play media content streamed from my NAS and I missed a way to add movies and TV show to my watchlist directly from my Apple TV (there are a couple of ‐pretty good‐ media players which sync with, but none of them allows you to add content to your watchlist).
So I wrote Browser an extremely simple App that just does it: you can search movies and TV shows and add or remove them from your watchlist. I plan to update it with more features as I use it and find that they are useful but it is a hobby App for the moment so it will take me some time to publish any update.
Let me know any feature you’d like to see in a future update in the comments.